Friday, February 15, 2008

A bad morning...

Its 3.32 p.m. CST ie 3.02 a.m according to Indian time, I am in my office,with both my back & legs on chairs.I am waiting for Mike's ping informing me of a well known abend (a sure to be).After fixing that my todays job will be over.I am watching the movie First daughter but don't know why its buffering so slow.Generally it doesn't happen with other movies or better say other days.
So i gave it time to get buffered,meanwhile i open a new post here to write something.Actually in last post i didn't mention something, which is really much important than the Bull-market run.
Like all other days this morning also i was waken up by my cell phone.No it was not alarm but a call from a very good friend of mine.We had shared some really memorable moments in college.I had prepared all of my presentations on his system,& also enjoyed the biscuits & dry-fruits from his jar.
I hadn't opened my eyes,& in fact was not in a mood to talk with anyone.So hoping it should not go long,i directly came to the point Kya hai ? Koi mail aaya kya? By this mail i meant the Congrats mail for the ELTP test (which now people have started getting). He answered me Yes i got a mail, but not with congrats but with Firing message.I was stunned,was unable to figure out how to react now.It was unbelievable so i pleaded him not to make a joke like this.He told me that you might not believe but this is the reality.
I told him not to panic,which was indeed meaningless,in fact i realised if this would had happened to me how could had i stopped my self from crying as loud as i can,No matter whatsoever be the situation,whoever be in front of me.I tried to console him & told him to head towards Bangalore,here he could get a job much easily than other places.
How can i forget its only two days gone when he had wished me on my birthday, over a complete hour call in which he had mentioned about his project & Punjabi project manager living in US.He almost mentioned all abouthis teammates,his schedules,his role in project & everything.And its now, he has nothing to say anymore.He had already planned to leave this company himself,but after a secured position in another company,i believe this was not he meant,in fact this wasn't the proper time or way he ever expected.But this is something called LIFE you will be forced constantly to expect the least expected.
Some time i gets shaken by these news, despites all my self-confidence,when i find someone i know very well in a place like this.If i believe in the last line of the above paragraph, the very next least expected person to get into this condition is me.Who Knows ?

Happy Birthday to me...

Well you must be wondering it has been three days gone of my birthday & still this nut is having hang over of that.No there is nothing like that, actually as i had told you earlier it will be hard for me to write anything here until i find accretion in the market.yeah its somewhat late than expected, but finally market has come back on track today.From yesterday this change in wind can be felt,infact yesterday the hike was much more than today.But today is special as i started selling my shares from holding.The profit was nominal of 8 % avg but it came at a moment when i needed it most as tomorrow i am supposed to deposit some cash in papa's account.
As i am normal again,so now i can continue with scribbling here.12th feb 1983, the day i completed my first circle on earth rotating alongwith it on its axis.So it was silver jubilee of the day & hence was meant to be special.But contrary to this it was the worst birthday i celebrated ever.In fact there was nothing like celebration here.At 12 p.m. when 11 th feb was kissing the 12th, my cellphone started crying, it was Manish mandal one of my closest friends (Second topper of the batch).I wasn't expecting that as we were in contact with each other on orkut only.But it was a good beginning, start of unexpected things.then came Mrithyu's call,Arun's had called me in advance.Praveen,Abhishek,Rigved,Jai chand(Anand),Choti-didi,Badi-didi,Atik,Saurabh,Vishal,Madhu,Pradeep(although i missed his call),Paul,Asit & person other than these had wished me on orkut.It was good everybody remembered my birthday,except my parents (& lil sister...haha).
Actually its not their fault at all, now i feel they need a daughter-in-law as their own daughters had failed to remind them of my birthday.Last year also they were about to miss it but my unexpected calls helped them. but now as i call them regularly so it didnt work.Although i talked to them on that day & as usual had taken blessings also,but the talk was centered to the marriage proposal came for me.Okay... No regrets... as they are always with me whether they show their presence or not,a word from them hardly matters.Today my mom realised the mistake, & called me explaining it.
As i told you there was nothing like celebration here,probably the sinking sensex was one of the reason behind it.The another one was the busy schedule of all,i used to work in night shift & all my friends,room-mate in day, so it was impossible to get together at a place for anything.So i promised them all of a treat on weakend.And now when a part of my investment has turned to be a successful one it has become meaningful to spend it on my friends.
Thank you Bhagwanji....a nice gift from you, although a lil late like my parents' but worthy enough to overshadow all other's.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Irony meansss...

While was writing my post mentioning the change in my life i was thinking to change the appearance of my Blog.This change was meant to be not only with the template, Font or background color,but with the Title & site address also.But as usual i am late in this again
,in fact i am late in writing a post on this change also.
Okay now i am almost done with the changes i had to do with this blog appearance.And if you notice now you'll find i have changed background from black to almost white & Title shows Fumbling in dark..strange..

I have taken care of all types of reader here,if you really claim to be a serious one,you can continue pretending that,despites finding nothing worthy here.
if you are bored of reading stupid lines of mine,& are not able to bear with me anymore,no need to go for ALT+F4, you can minimize this window & listen to FMs(but remember you'll be charged for this service 6 Rs.per minute right from the moment you minimize the window).Again you see there is big noise going on around & my site address is inviting you to feel my silence ( sounds like kinda cheating like offers in Showrooms of popular brands)
Or if you do hate Pop/Rap?Jazz etc. or are not influenced with hip-hop at all or in other language if you are a member of Bajrang dal,then also you are welcome to feed my monkey Spank(Banana is available free of cost here,but for Spank only).you can play with him but don't forget to give him 2 banana at 5 mins interval, bcoz may be sometime God may sometime fail to keep an eye on you,but you can't escape from Monika Gandhi* if you have anything to do with animals,in fact while writing essay or paragraph on them for your son in 4th standard you have to be careful in selecting the words for them.
You can question why all ironical names here ? I could have chosen something else.Actually i am not good at writing, in fact i put whatever comes in my mind & in the least interesting way possible ,so its a sort of poor presentation of thoughts & until these blog-hosting-sites start charging for each post (which i don't find happening in near or even far future also) i will continue doing all this.
While if you want justification for feel-my-silence & FMs,i would like to say that its not difficult at all to stick to what you have come for at this webpage, the real test lies when you have been called for something & are given something else (in addition to original one) which seems to be much more interesting than the first one, & you end up with the original cause.
I don't want you to click on the mute option there,but i do want you to show some respect to the posts.You can't realize how much time & contemplation, each of my posts has imbibed.I used to refer to Oxford dictionary 7-8 times to complete a line (sometime more than that if its a long one).

Now the anticlimax.....there is nothing like mentioned above...all a hogwash,i liked the words & put them on my blog ...hehehe...really it has nothing to do with anything mentioned above.
*This is not a mistake.