Monday, November 02, 2009


Fight..Its never gonna end.Whether its between two countries,two states,two communities,two political parties,two races or two creatures.It may be between all living things & nature.Between two families or two members within a single family,its everywhere in different ways.Sometime even you need to fight against yourself. The important thing is that each of these is interesting in its own way.
But the one fight which is definitely a more interesting one is Between HUM & TUM.
Now a days my official mail-box is being capped every other day (thanks to Vishal verma,my good freind,he sends almost 20 bulky mails a day without failing any).I hate to read most of them esp with beautiful sceneries,cute flowers or babies.But one category which attracts me everytime is this Boys-Girls fight.In all these mails one thing is common,Boys are always portrayed on the brighter side than the Girls or better to say Girls to be on a complete dark side.In fact in none of the mail i could find girls pictured in gray shades.
We may let these go by laughing at these,but sometimes it itches me,Why ? Why always Girls ?
Why don't we find frequent mails saying similar words for Boys ?

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