After watchin RDB i was thinkin tht v shdnt continue with the system v r livin in...n the only way left 2 do this is hav a long fight against now after lage raho...evrything has gonna changed...m now continuin with my gandhigiri (gandhigiri in my ishtyle)...if u can remember,the resolution made by me (my anti GANDINAZAR funda) u mst b thinkin this unusual demand frm self is nt goin 2 run 4 long..(well trully sayin m also nt knowin how long i vl go 4 lik this...infact m nt goin market now a days.. in clg also hav droppd lookin at the 2k5 or mca masalaas.....
in the last post u hav seen how mch i was influenced by the rigerous meetin i had with munna,ckt n now lets hav minutes of tht meetin...
now u mst hav got the glimpse of gandhigiri effect (or the CHEMICAL LOTCHA in my mind) n u can asses this effect tht its 2 days left 4 midsem n i m scribblin here...okay cum 2 the point now..lage raho need 2 say nething abt the starcast, storyline, lovely songs(esp. the pal one.... i love shreya .....u r simply gr8) n the perfect bt bt... still thr is smthing special in the movie which deserves a huge disscussion. so lets hav it now.... from news channels & papers u can get tht, thr is an upheavel created by this moovie all around the country (or u can say the world) it has replaced .gandhism by gandhigiri (a more easy version 2 understand). congress office,pope or bush evrywhr it has gonna discussed widely.
1st of all i m jst reminding u some of the scenes frm the movie u may not hav 4get. okay its fine 2 get emotional over the scene whn munna apologises 2 ckt or whn jimi confess 2 his father. its okay 2 hav giggling over the comic combo of munna n ckt. bt these r not the only effect 2 hav frm such xtraordinary theme (nt xactly xtraordinary or better 2 say ordinary face in an xtraordinary make-up)...
v all know tht gandhiji is nt here with us thn y his arrival was thru-out the movie whnever it was needed?? y at the time of press conference gandhiji didnt answer sm of the questians? y in last seen booman got bapu in the library. these brainteasers need 2 b solved. so i went 4 it n now i m able 2 analyse some of these points (don kno whether m goin in right direcxn or nt)
In this world of deeply rooted corruption , still thr is a gandhiji hidden in all of us. which comes in2 picture whnever it is needed. still while doin smthing wrong evry1 of us knows tht it is wrong,this simply shows the existing bapu in us is still in active condition 2 judge right or wrong ..Bt now v hav got two ways in front of 2 think over n another 2 walk over.... n gandhiji is standing only in the 1st all the time v prefer 2 go 4 the 2nd path (which is the easier one) with an xcuse of bein practical (to hell with our practical life)....
now another point is tht y gandhi didnt answer all the questians..this simply showed tht thr was only gandhi effect on munna thr was no gandhi existin anywhr at was gandhiji inside munna who was solvin all the problems of the very same way all v hav a gandhi hidden inside us, which is standin in the way of our thinking ...the only thing needed is to copy him n paste in the working track also...if it is really true tht v alll think in the same way as munna does... then y shdn't v give it a chance n accept GANDHIGIRI in life...afterall who knows it may work...well i av already started it n m very mch happy continuing it.. its ur turn......
so y r u staring up at this post, all that had 2 b said is over now.... go n start workin like real GANDHI inside u n don ever try 2 hav an xcuse of bein practical...
in my nxt post m goin 2 put sm thoughts of mine on bold catch u later...
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
munna,circuit,gandhi n me........

well.... after gettin gr8 feedbacks frm frends n a no. of brainstorming sessions with my bbc members, yesterday i went 2 watch the much hyped movie lage raho munnabhai.... (leavin all baddies) this was not so simpl as xplaind in single line...abhishek boss(my close senior n one of my gr8 frens) n me

both pland 2 go 4 it in 1st show as like evry planning it also has to b in the way like formin coalition gvnt.....the worst thing which cud cum in the way 2 masti ie an xtra class was imposed, jst b'4 the my sweet smily faced boss has 2 go back 2 home so v were nt thikin 2 postpone the idea 4 the next was 11.15 n i was in the class jst calculatin at wt speed i shd go n how mch movie i vl b missin at this speed.....well its 11.20 , got free frm class,took a splint 2 hostel(in fact more thn i cud do in esc race in those very initial days) , arrangd bike frm riggi...n now my hands running continuously on the accelerater....
its 11.45 , thnx god v r here at the destination ( payal campus) with all our parts at right places (here 'we' includes all the three me,boss n most imp bike)....boss got the ticket ,n me in parkin as i av already said earlier, this had not 2 b so easy, so got a frustratin news...the show 4 which v av the tickets was phir herapheri (v saw the posters of the movies posted thr n it was like hera pheri of movie..akshay,sunil,n paresh seems 2 b laughin at us),,, don want 2 giv my xpert comment abt the movie n don think u vl ask 4 v had no choice other thn gettin in2 the theatre n sleeping at the end of nxt min. v were inside the hall if a big kick 2 those idiots, who were laughin thru out the movie at the silly jokes ... so i was forced 2 leave the f**king idea of sleeping...

its 12.55 n v were jst gettin starved in the hall havin no idea wt 2 do nxt... thn v d'cided 2 hav another show as v were feeling like cheated ....i msgd riggi n askd 4 the bik xplaining my new plan
its14.05 it was very painful 2 watch the circus scene.. so i forced abhi boss 2 come out..n in 2 min v were havin fresh air of mango...(fresh n mango the two words in a single line i never used earlier bt the situation was so worst tht i cud hardly use my senses)
v pland 2 av nxt show which certainly was wt v were lookin b'4 tht another bad idea of havin smthing 4 our v were nt havin much time in hands so cudn't afford 2 go far frm the place n tried the samosa chat near the payal...i cant say how i finished half of that plate... marta kya na karta..this was the accurate place 2 use it..
well again the same stuff this time i was in queue...1st of all was countin the no. of ppl in each row.. n went 4 the smallest one.. bt as it always happens with gr8 ppllike me, the speed of line vl b slowest in which u r.. espl whn u r in hurry..once i thought of changin the line... bt rejected the idea as after tht the new line has 2 b slower thn this one....
after gr8 effort thr were two tickets of Dress circle in my hands n now m out of the queue sweatin a lot...rushed inside the theatre took the coolest seat of the hall....its 14.35 the movie has jst started precedin chaatu adds of BAIDYANATH SHANKHPUSHPI, n all those VICKO stuffs, i hate most.... bt i njoyd the adds of NIMA ROSE, n NIRMA LIME FRESH MAI AUR TU songs (rememberin my old days of DOODDARSHAN..)
well 14.55 the 1st ntry of vidya n cant describe in words how sensible was her look esp tht part whn she takes her hair b'hind the ears....ohh tht was smthing none of us (i mean mere umar k naujawan) could stop ourselves frm sayin WWOOWW...

its 15.10 sensational ntry of BAPU (most awaited scene of the movie)happend, i bent 4ward..i don know y bt, was feelin gr8 2 hav BAPU in cool comic sense..Thru out arrival of BAPU was smthing makin the movie far abv other typed works of bollywood....VIDHUJI tussi gr8 ho...i salute ur idea....

its 16.25 the typical senti moment which vl b decidin factor 4 the success of film, has come n all of us r watchin it, with our hands on chair n our backs nt in contact with our respective chairs...was waitin 4 the predicted nxt scene 2 come(as long experience of hindi movie has taught me 2 catch wt is yet 2 come in the very nxt moment)

as usuall the same happy ending bt,bt, bt............. with a brand new concept of GANDHIGIRI(goin 2 describe it in my nxt post).....
well its 17.05 movie is over n v were comin out of the theatre with gr8 relief as m thinkin of adoptin gandhigiri now...actually suddenly i told abhi boss abt the very 1st step m goin 2 hav 2wrds gandhigiri is ..vl nevr look at ny sexygal with my (so calld) GANDI NAZAR..n if i do i fail 2 do this(obviously it has 2 b) vl say sorry 2 her....
i don know how mch funny it vl b, soundin sorry maine aapko gandi nazaron se dekh liya...
jst watch out my nxt post... how i m movin 2wards GANDHIGIRI....
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