I dont know why but i never answered to my juniors in a very serious manner, it wasn't me at all saying the craps i did all the time.Reason wasn't that i didn't know the right answer or i never wanted to share it with them, may be it was better to leave them thinking over this topic,coz i was sure this is not going to change either their mind or the way they look at the two things.
But in a party at Beldih club organised by Tata steel,i couldnt mince my words when a person asked me why are u going to IBM when u have learnt metallurgy for four year.I simply said without getting into debate over it,i have learnt metallurgy pretty much, now its turn for some IT skills,the field,i am really bad at .He didnt say anything further, i also again started finishing the little stuff left in my plate.
It happened once again when i was asked to give company to a scientist (who used to teach us some topics of advanced materials) over a cup of tea,again he started the same topic,being topper of branch,what r u going to do in IBM, selling computers door to door ? It wasnt as flat statement as it has been written here,i am bad in putting emotions on paper,so i cant show u how contemptuous the remark was.As it was going to affect my grades so i let it go saying no i am gonna sell softwares office to office.
I was wondering what all these people are saying is right ?If yes, then what about me?I don't claim to be right all the time,but this time i hardly find anything wrong here.
If i had to answer truely,i would say,yes i have read metallurgy for four years,so what?I had read Electrostatics for four years too & there was a time when i was crazy about this part of physics.Nobody came forward asking why are you going for Metallurgy,when you don't have good marks in inorganic chemistry.Actually the whole education system is a mess, a big mess.Wanna know how ..let see.
First thing to all those analysts who always poke their nose when you do something which they think is wrong, if you really want to utilise the human resourse (the word i hate to use for us) the only way to do it by allocating each of us at right place according to our interest, the place an individual is really good at.If we talk about Engg stream,a person having good marks in mechanics should be given mechanical branch,one with good marks in modern physics should join Electonics & so for all other streams,while i don't find a place for computer science in Engg college.It has very less to do with engg,& if at all there is something to do for an engineer it easily can be a part of Electronics engg or i guess, it has already been a part of.
So how can this giant IT sector could survive ?For this i would say they should go to all BCA,MCA,B Sc IT etc. guys, courses which are somehow neglected by good students & is filled with average or not so good students.If this IT industry really offers better compensation & perks,then whoever want to have it should do a course related to that only.
I think there is a group of people who don't care for their area of interest & go after money, manipulating their desire list by giving extra weightege to money, they are free to choose any computer course & make money,there is no need of doing an engineering course in metallurgy, mechanical or any stream bcoz its nothing but wastage of four years, the valuable four years in which you used to be most passionate about learning not only academic courses but also how to tackle adverse situations.I remember before starting engg college life i knew how to make freinds,but it was the place where i learnt how to retain them.Really graduation means a lot more than mere a degree,it transforms a person from a boy to a man in all the senses.I had a talk with a number of my friends here in this industry & i got most of them have not got any extra edge of their engg course in fact most of them are doing something which is hardly an engineering.Strange but quite true.Then what is the meaning of all those time, preparing for Engineering entrance exams & studying (or not studying) continuously for four years.Now if i turn back n see ,i find everything nonsense.somebody was making me Bakra,without failing a day for complete four years.
This didnt happened to me only,this Bakra play has been played to most of us & the show will go on & on.I don't know that how many of us are noticing it & if yes what is going to be its future? What is the solution & if there is any,then who is going ahead for it.From where it should be started ?
Too many questions & not many answers.
Nobody wants to engage his stuff into this web.And if someone really wants to do it,what should be the first step? One method can be by ensuring that none of the company should be allowed to touch students from streams, the company is not directly linked to.By doing this IT companies will be forced to fulfill its requirement from institutes related to this field only.After this these institutes will be successful in drawing attention of good students.In the spam of 5 years most of the thing can be normal.
But it is not so easy,as the upheavel created by this is going to affect the campus placement of Engg colleges & most of its students who have already joined the college won't get employed.seems tough now...well it is the first thing ,there are many more as Engg is not only a field affected.Okay lets have the picture at a broader level.

Can you notice the difference in the two snaps what i can.No..... other than the T-shirts & by the way that LEE T-shirt is not original one.The person in the left is Uday,(we call him U.D.).His monthly income is Rs.1500/-.
while the person in right is Vijayanand mishra,(we call him Mishra)
, monthly income is Rs 22000/-.
Still don't you find the winning smile on the left face & a failed effort of smiling on the right one.Nope ..i am not saying that who earns less is more happy.Infact i believe money has nothing to odo with happiness.The reason is something else.U.D is a cook,really a good one.He is doing what he knows,what he is good at,what he has been doing for a number of years.
While Mishra is a production Engineer working in IBM.& the pain on his face is either for what he is doing now or for what he was doing for four years of Engg.
My younger sister is really good at painting.And somehow i could convince my parents to let her continue her painting class even in the exam-days.But now i feel she is more into chasing a seat in a reputed Engg college than her painting work.This isn't because she likes it or she is good at Maths & Science,but due to failure of Painting to make its presence as a source of earning bread.I don't know whether she is going to crack something good in any entrance exams or not,but one thing is for sure that she has put her painting future on pause or may be this be a fullstop.Once again a skill is on stake.This is not the single case,almost in every family you can find a case or two.
Have another face.

A 3 & half year old child,studying in nursery in an XYZ school ,hardly knows upto N for nose.His father has decided a professional career for him,Engineering,preferably from IIT.Why the hell did you leave stream for Engineering ? n believe me this is going to happen,11 year from now, he will take Maths as a subject for Intermediate & after preparing for 2-3 year, will be joining any Engg college(may be IIT itself).He is my nephew 'Utsav parashar',& when i heard all this from his father ie my Jijaji ,i also added two thing from my side, he will be joining Guitar classes & he will be having Love marriage...haha.
I can't understand while selecting our professionla life where do we leave the most important thing 'interest'.We almost forget the word itself while going for the biggest decision of life.There are a number of things like music,literature,farming,cooking which have been neglected completely as a source of income, but can be a matter of interest for an individual.
Now everything has started to change. Some of my friends, now at this point in life, are planning to switch to the field once they loved.They don't have an option.But is it mandatory for all to follow the same path, if at all they have to do what they really want, what they were once crazy about,what they always had a dream of.
Learning from mistake is not the only way of learning.especially if everybody knows something is wrong, what is the meaning of going for it.
Do you find a question in Utsav'eyes, now you may not & i also can pretend so,but i am sure after 15 years from now the same eyes can ask it again- What were you doing when everything was being decided ? & i'll be left with a vacuous look, or will try to say-Was planning for your marriage-if i could.