You must be thinking what is going on? What exactly i am trying to put in the bunch of lines.
Well these are nothing but the lines written in About me section of these people.Seems interesting naa? Yes it really is.Now as almost every net freak is having an orkut account. but what are we doing there other than asking the same questian Hi..How r u? or Howz life going? & getting the same answer Fine here..What about u??or me fine r u doing? I became tired of these stuffs & so was thinking what else can be done on it.Other than scrap what are the sections which can draw our attention toward themselves.One very common thing is peeping inside others life by going through their albums.I was doing it constantly but now as due to mew setting facilities of orkut, i have been restricted to my friends only.So i had to look for more & i did.This time a very general but at the same time really important stuff on orkut has captivated me.
This is the about me section of profile.Here also you can find two category of people.One believes in the usefulness of this section while other takes it just as a first step in orkut life.Persons from the first one give a good amount of time while telling something about themselves in orkut, while people from other one have hardly been ever bothered of what they had put about them in this section while creating their profile.In the very early days of my orkut life i was also in the second list & still i haven't written anything revealing the real me.If you go to my profile you will find a single line in this section which is written from more than an year ..m lookin 4 that perfect line...2 let u know...Ya you are right of course it is not my line, picked from a Bryan adam's song.But if i have put it there it is not meaningless.May be i don't want to let anyone to know the real me.Or may be i am always confused about myself to come to any conclusion...or may be i am not good in dealing with words & so am afraid of committing grammatical mistakes while playing with the words (in fact this is the truth behind that).
Whatever may be the reason the thing is that i am not having any worthy 'about me' section & now when i look others from the first category defined by me, i am dying to fill that field.But again i get stuck somewhere in the middle bcoz if i write anything hastily, it may throw me in the second category, which i can't accept.So i have a tougher task of finding myself first than of writing about me.So now a days i am indulged in some sort of EXPLORING MYSELF job.
While going through the process i found something which i never knew or which hardly some of you might be doing.I went through hundreds of profile, but i hardly found someone who had written about real himself.I hardly found an honest effort of revealing one's negative points.If we all agree to the fact that nobody is perfect, then why all about me sections are trying to proove its owner a perfect person.why are we ashamed of showing the imperfect person hidden inside us.Why can't we come forward saying how stupid we are while doing something.
we have to understand this is not a masquerade. If you claim to be in orkut for making true friends then the very first step of this friend making process is not being complete.Friendship can't start putting a masque on your face.As here in net friendship you don't have much opportunity to know others as the traditional method.So here you can't afford to hide yourself with a masque of cool guy's face or anything like that.
So very soon i will be writing something really real about myself.I will try to make it as overt as it can be.
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